Each lotion will look different for each individual, and depending on the amount applied.
It is important to use a small amount when applying, because each lotion contains DHA, which is the self-tanning agent, and will become more pronounced over time.
The colorant present at the time of application disappears after a few minutes.
This is why before correcting a lotion it is essential to wait a few hours to see how the lotion has evolved on the skin.
The recommended dosage for a slight correction of the shade is 20 drops of lotion with the pipette for one drop of adjuster.
If the shade is too orange, use the cold adjuster, or the adjuster to darken.
If the shade is too greenish or grayish, use the warm adjuster.
If the shade is too opaque, use the lighter adjuster to lighten.
If the shade is too light, use the lighter shade adjuster to darken.